Huff Post Entertainment Names Kneedelus as Part of 15 for '15: Favorite Music of the Year

“This Brainfeeder release flew pretty far under the radar thanks in large part to The Epic, Kamasi Washington’s sprawling jazz opus, but Flying Lotus’s label kept pushing even after all the accolades. Kneebody and Daedalus are so well integrated that it’s hard to hear where one stops and the other begins, but I guess that’s the point. Some pieces sound like continuations of 2013’s The Line, but that will never be a bad thing for one of the most creative quintets on the planet. Nate Wood and Shane Endsley are in particularly good form here, and the project’s synergy ends up sounding eerily like In A Silent Way on Ray Kurzweil’s home stereo.”

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"Thanks to Brainfeeder, West Coast Jazz is Cool Again"

“After a half-century of false obituaries, the genre re-emerged with greater vitality than anyone could have predicted. Fueled by the artists on the Brainfeeder label, the creative balance swung back to the West Coast, where it’s reversed decades of aging demographics and general decline.

What seems like a sudden renaissance is actually slow gestation. Jazz is its own language, one that usually requires a lifetime to master. The locals responsible for this rebirth are in their 30s, well-steeped in tradition and deep familial lineage: Thundercat, Kamasi Washington, Flying Lotus, Terrace Martin.”

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Liberation (FR) Features Kneedelus

“Le thème d’ouverture, l’explicite Loops, pourrait bien être l’ultimate remix d’une jungle jazz sortie tout droit des années 90, quand Londres tressautait à coups de drums et d’infrabasses. Sauf qu’un siècle plus tard, ce type d’objet hybride apparaît dans un premier temps sur le Net avant d’atterrir dans les bons vieux bacs à disques. Quand ? Nul ne le sait tout à fait, mais une chose se dessine : tout concourt à faire de Kneedelus le buzz du moment, au rayon jazz tendance oreilles pointues.”

“The opening theme, explicit Loops, may well be the ultimate remix of a jungle jazz straight out of the 90s, when London jolted to death with drums and infrabass. Unless a century later, this type of hybrid object appears at first on the net before landing in the good old disk trays. When ? No one knows exactly, but one thing emerges: all combine to make Kneedelus the buzz, jazz radius trend pointed ears.”

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Kneedelus added to The Playlist Radio Campus Paris

“Chaque mois, les programmateurs de Radio Campus Paris choisissent 40 albums parmi les dernières sorties du moment. A l’affût des tendances musicales innovantes, la radio sélectionne ces morceaux avec minutie et expertise pour vous proposer les musiques de demain.”

“Each month, programmers Radio Campus Paris 40 albums choose among the latest releases of the moment. On the lookout for innovative musical trends, radio selects the pieces carefully and expertise to offer the music of tomorrow.”

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Noisey (France) Reviews Kneedelus, "Best Album Of 2015"

En à peine un an, Brainfeeder semble avoir complétement changé de dimension et renoué avec ses racines jazz. Après The Epic de Kamasi Washington début 2015, Sold Out de DJ Paypal en novembre, c’est encore à une vision futuriste de la note bleue que l’on se confronte à l’écoute du projet Kneedelus, réunion audacieuse de l’électronicien Daedelus et du collectif jazz de Ben Wendel, Kneebody.

In just one year, seems to have completely changed Brainfeeder dimension and returned to his jazz roots. After The Epic of Kamasi Washington in early 2015, Sold Out DJ Paypal in November, it is still a futuristic vision of the blue note that one confronts listening project Kneedelus, bold meeting of the electronics Daedelus and the collective jazz Ben Wendel, Kneebody.

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Fip Radio (FR) Features Kneedelus

“Véritable laboratoire californien jazz et electro, le label Brainfeeder a produit cette année quelques merveilles de fusion expérimentale avec Kamasi Washington, Flying Lotus ou Thundercat. Son dernier projet en date “Kneedelus” associe Kneebody, quintet jazz du saxophoniste Ben Wendel et le producteur electro Alfred Darlington alias Daedelus, figure bien connue de la musique électronique et du hip-hop déviant. Le résultat est un bouillonnement créatif et puissant où les compositions ciselées cohabitent avec les improvisations rythmiques de cette formation electro-acoustique inventive.”

“California real laboratory jazz and electronica, the Brainfeeder label produced this year some experimental fusion wonders with Kamasi Washington, Flying Lotus and Thundercat. His latest project “ Kneedelus “ dates associated Kneebody, jazz quintet of saxophonist Ben Wendel and electro producer Alfred Darlington aka Daedelus, well-known figure in electronic music and hip-hop deviant. The result is a creative and powerful bubbling where chiselled compositions coexist with rhythmic improvisations of the inventive electro-acoustic band.”

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TSF Jazz Hails 'Kneedelus' as the Record of the Day

“Nouvelle sortie Jazz du label Brainfeeder après la révélation Kamasi Washington, Kneedelus est la rencontre électrique (et réussie) entre le groupe Kneebody et le compositeur de musique électronique Daedelus”

“New release of Jazz Brainfeeder label after the revelation Kamasi Washington, Kneedelus meeting is the electric ( and successful ) Kneebody between the group and the electronic music composer Daedelus”

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